Monday, August 31, 2009

What happend to the CD

Since the late 90s the Music Industry as we once knew it, has been spiralling out of control. File sharing sites like Lime wire have taken over from music stores as the port of call for most consumers.

I think this really sucks!!

Gone are the days where you would pop down to your local music shop and buy the latest album. According to a Rolling Stone article on the decline of the Music Industry; over 2700 record shops have closed since 2003!!! That's in the US alone!! For me part of buying an album is to have the Physical album - be it CD or Vinyl - not a file sitting on your hard drive!! How can you show off your music collection to your friends if its all hidden in the depths of your laptop?

I remember not so long ago I would turn up to a party lugging a full CD Case!! Other party goers would do the same. Now days we bring our Ipod along to conveniently plug in!! I know what your thinking! Ipods make our lives easier because you can take your music collection anywhere and hold it in the palm of your hand... Sure.... I'm not gonna disagree, but is this the death of the music that we once knew? Is the world of CD's and Records really going to be replaced by a non tangible file on a computer?

This is happening and we are moving with the change! Even I use Itunes, although I haven't downloaded illegally..... Yet...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Celcius Studios. (2007). On Piracy: On Piracy & The Future of Media. Retrieved September 03, 2009, from Google Videos:

Crum, C. (2009, September 02). Lime Wire CEO Talks Music Industry & Company's Future. Retrieved September 13, 2009, from WebProNews:

Ernesto. (2006, December 18). Why Most Artists Profit from Piracy. Retrieved September 01, 2009, from Torrent Freak:

Hiatt, B., & Serpick, E. (2007, June 28). The Record Industry's Decline . Retrieved September 04, 2009, from Rolling Stone:

Itunes. (2009). What Is Itunes. Retrieved September 15, 2009, from Apple NZ:

Lime Wire LLC. (2009). LimeWire Store Help / FAQ. Retrieved September 13, 2009, from Lime Wire Store:;jsessionid=CE03415D61DA26F0666143A00EDC9588

Mason, M. (2008). Matt Mason on The Pirate's Dilemma. Retrieved September 04, 2009, from Google Videos:

NZFACT. (2006). Movie Piracy and Copyright Protection. Retrieved September 03, 2009, from NZFACT:

NZFACT. (2007). Whats Being Done. Retrieved September 03, 2009, from Stop Movie Piracy:

Radiohead. (2009). Dead Air Space. Retrieved September 20, 2009, from Radiohead:

Ramesh, & Ecophilo. (2005, July 16). Piracy - Why Some Of It Is Good. Retrieved September 03, 2009, from Blogspot: