Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Itunes & Limewire

Its good to see time are changing.....


Itunes has been in most of our lives for a while now and has been my main source of music because of its vast collection and its legality. But now there is a new kid on the block that is (in my opinion) just as good and cheaper. The new Limewire Store is the new (legal) version of the famous original Limewire file sharing website. On Itunes a simple song costs $1.79 in New Zealand, but on the new Limewire Store, users sign up and can buy 10 songs for as little as $5 depending on the songs.

The CEO of of Limewire George Searle thinks he is on to a good thing and has just signed a partnership with Comedy Central to provide Comedy content to his store's users and is confident on building on that, saying: "The total number of songs available in the LimeWire Store is now over two million, and greater success will attract further partnerships."

I think he is on to a good thing! Nothing makes an industry better and more benificial to the consumer than competition. Although the Limewire Store is nowhere near as big as Itunes it is providing an option for the consumer and I think that Steve Jobs and the rest of his Apple buffins should be on their toes.

1 comment:

  1. It’s surprising, given the success of iTunes, how competitor stores like Limewire have been so slow to catch on. iTunes has a near monopoly with all their loyal customers, who are also drawn to it for its free content, likely making it harder for their competitors to sign deals with companies to carry their content. But maybe Limewire’s deal with Comedy Central is a sign that this is changing.
